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Please click once right in the middle of the slideshow to view photos in full size:

Mornings in Marin
April 2009 - November 2014

For over four years, I took a cell phone picture each morning somewhere in Marin County and posted it on Facebook, using the same caption over and over: "Morning in Marin." This gallery hosts some of my faves from the entire series.


My self-imposed Morning in Marin rules:


1. Mostly nature, no people or pets

2. Taken and posted unedited online before noon.*


All pictures were taken with a Blackberry Storm, a Blackberry Pearl, or an iPhone 4S (I migrated through those three phones in succession over these 4+ years). While the iPhone had great resolution, I liked the flash on the Blackberry better because it produced great dark-background results.


(* One of these pictures is cropped. That's it, just one. Any guesses which one?)


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